Terms of Service

1. Recognition and acceptance of terms

OOO Inc. ("OOO") provides the design, manufacture, sale and marketing of the merchandise on this website (the "Service") in accordance with these Terms of Service. By completing the membership registration process on the Website or by starting to use the Service, the Member acknowledges that he/she has fully read, understands, and agrees to accept the entire contents of the TOS and the Privacy Statement, including but not limited to the current and future services and contents derived from the Service, and that OOO reserves the right to modify or change the contents of the TOS at any time, and that the amended TOS will be posted on the Website three (3) days after the date of such posting. OOO reserves the right to modify or change the contents of the TOS at any time, the modified contents of the TOS will be posted on the website, and the modified or changed contents will be effective immediately after three days from the date of posting. Members are deemed to have read, understood and agreed to accept the amendments or changes when they continue to use the Services after any amendment or change. If the Member does not agree to the above modifications or changes, or does not accept any of the other provisions of the Terms of Service, the Member shall immediately stop using the Service. If a minor under 20 years of age to use the services provided by this website, should obtain the consent of the legal representative, and comply with this Agreement and the relevant legal provisions. If the minor member and the transaction counterparty or other third party, due to the use of the services of this website disputes, this website is not responsible. When you use or continue to use this website under the age of twenty, it means that your legal representative (or guardian) has read, understood and agreed to accept all the contents of this agreement and its subsequent modifications or changes. Member and OOO both agree to use the service of all the contents including the meaning of expression, etc., to electronic documents as a way of expression. In principle, the Company and the user shall use e-mail as the means of communication between the two parties.

2. Membership Registration

In order to be able to use the Service, you agree to the following:

1. Provide accurate, up-to-date and complete personal information about yourself as prompted by the service registration form, and do not register as a member in the name of a third person. Each member can only register for one account and cannot register repeatedly.

2. If there are any problems such as inaccurate or incorrect information when joining the membership, the registrant will be responsible for it.

3. OOO has the right to stop the service or cancel the service contract directly when the inaccurate information is found, and the loss suffered by this website or the third party shall be borne by the member involved in the incident.

4. Those who join the membership under a false name or with an identity message of another person are not legally protected and are subject to all liabilities under civil and criminal law.

3. Privacy

Member registration and other specific information is protected and regulated in accordance with OOO's Privacy Policy.

4. Membership Account, Password and Security

1. In order to protect the security of the transaction, this website will use the e-mail address in your basic information as your account number, and you will choose a set of passwords for your own login identification. You can change your password according to your personal needs. It is the member's responsibility to maintain the confidentiality and security of the password and account. Any member account and password entered in accordance with the prescribed method is consistent with the login information, regardless of whether or not it is entered by the person himself/herself, will be presumed to be used by the member himself/herself, and the member himself/herself shall be held fully responsible for all actions carried out by using the password and account number.

2. Members agree to the following:

- In the event that a member's password or account is stolen or any other security issue occurs, the member is obligated to notify OOO immediately for follow-up action.

- Each connection ends the use of the member's account.

- The member's account, password and membership benefits are for the member's personal use and enjoyment only, and may not be loaned, transferred to others or shared with others.

- OOO shall not be liable for any damages resulting from unauthorized or improper use of the account or password, or any other circumstances in which OOO is unable to determine whether or not the account or password was used by OOO, unless it is proven that the damages were caused by a third party's unlawful use of the account or password or by OOO's own fault.

- If OOO learns that a member's account password has been fraudulently used by another person, it will immediately suspend the use of the account (including the processing of transactions generated by the account) and, after determining the use of the account problem, reset the password to open the use of the account at your request.

5. Protection of children and young people

In order to ensure the safety of children and teenagers using the Internet and to avoid infringement of their privacy rights, parents (or guardians) should fulfill the following obligations: children under the age of twelve should be accompanied throughout the use of the Service, and teenagers over the age of twelve and under the age of eighteen should also consider whether to give their consent before using the Service.

6. Users' compliance obligations and commitments

- Without the prior written consent of this website, you may not download, publicly transmit, transfer, reproduce, modify, sell, resell, or commercially exploit this website and its content, nor may you collect or utilize information such as catalogs, descriptions, or prices of products published on this website, or utilize such information to collect, robots, or collect similar data retrieval tools.

- Publishing or transmitting any defamatory, insulting, threatening, offensive, indecent, obscene, untrue, contrary to public order or good morals or other unlawful words, pictures or files of any kind.

- Infringing or damaging OOO's or others' reputation, privacy, trade secrets, trademarks, copyrights, patents, other intellectual property rights and other rights.

- Breach of confidentiality obligations by law or contract.

- Behavior that causes annoyance, displeasure, or offends other users of the Service or third parties in violation of common courtesy on the Internet.

- Use of the Service in the name of another person

- Transmitting or distributing computer viruses

- Engaging in commercial practices without prior authorization from OOO

- Publishing, transmitting, sending spam, chain letters, illegal or unauthorized multi-level marketing messages and advertisements; or storing any information that infringes on the intellectual property rights of others or violates any law.

- Any other conduct that is inconsistent with the purpose for which the Service is provided or that OOO has reasonable grounds to believe is inappropriate.

7. Discontinuation of services

Relocation, replacement, upgrading, maintenance or repair of hardware and software related to this website;

This website has been affected by an external force that has caused the information to be displayed incorrectly, or has been falsified, tampered with, deleted, or retrieved, or has caused the system to be interrupted or to fail to operate normally;

In the event that the electronic communication service applied for on this website is stopped and the service cannot be provided;

In the event of a sudden failure of electronic communication equipment;

Due to natural disasters and other force majeure factors or other factors that are not attributable to OOO, this website is unable to provide services;

Other circumstances that OOO deems necessary to suspend or discontinue service;

8. Transactional behavior

This website uses ECPay to conduct transactions, and all transactions will be executed in accordance with the relevant regulations of Green Grid.

9. Intellectual Property Rights

The software or programs used by OOO, and all contents on the website, including but not limited to copyrights, images, files, information, data, website structure, website screen arrangement, website design, and member content, are owned by OOO or other right holders in accordance with the law, including but not limited to trademarks, patents, copyrights, trade secrets, and know-how, and other intellectual property rights. No one is allowed to use, modify, reproduce, publicly broadcast, publicly transmit, publicly perform, adapt, distribute, publish, publicly release, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble without authorization. If a member wishes to quote or reproduce the aforementioned software, program or website content, he/she must obtain prior written consent from OOO or other right holders in accordance with the law. Respecting intellectual property rights is a member's obligation, and in the event of a violation, the member shall be liable to OOO for damages (including but not limited to litigation costs and attorney's fees, etc.). If a member is involved in infringement of rights, OOO may suspend all or part of the service, or directly to cancel the member's account to deal with the way. If you find any infringement of your intellectual property rights, please contact OOO with the circumstances of the infringement and your contact information, together with a true statement and a declaration of your legal intellectual property rights in the following manner: By e-mail to: OOO@OOOOO.com

10. Authorization of OOO by Members

For the information uploaded, transmitted, input or provided by the member, the member agrees that OOO may collect, process, store, transmit and use such information within a reasonable scope to provide the user with other information or services, or to be used as the member's statistical information, or to conduct a survey or research on Internet behavior, or for any lawful use. If a member does not have the legal right to authorize others to use, modify, reproduce, publicly broadcast, adapt, distribute, publish or publicly release a certain information and to sublicense the said right to a third party, please do not upload, transmit, input or provide the information to OOO without authorization, and once a member uploads, transmits, inputs or provides the information to OOO, he/she shall be deemed to have granted OOO the permission to use, modify, reproduce, publicly broadcast, adapt, distribute or provide the information to OOO without any conditions. Once uploaded, transmitted or made available to OOO, the Member shall be deemed to have granted OOO unconditional permission to use, modify, reproduce, publicly broadcast, adapt, distribute, publish and publicly release such information, and to sublicense the foregoing rights to others without any objection from the Member. Members shall also guarantee that OOO's use, modification, reproduction, public broadcast, adaptation, distribution, publication, public release, and sublicense of such information will not infringe upon any third party's intellectual property rights, or else OOO shall be liable for damages (including, but not limited to, litigation costs and attorney's fees, etc.).

11. Termination of Membership

Member agrees that OOO may, in its judgment, terminate or restrict Member's use of the Service for any reason, including, but not limited to, failure to use the Service for a period of time, an order from a court or governmental authority, the Service cannot be continued or the content of the Service is materially changed, unforeseen technical or security factors or problems, fraud or illegal acts committed by the Member, failure to pay the fees in accordance with the agreement, or any other reasons which, in the judgment of OOO, Member has violated the express terms and spirit of the Terms of Service. OOO may terminate or restrict the Member's use of the Member's account (or any part thereof) or use of the Service, and remove or delete any Member Content from the Service. The Member also agrees that OOO may, in its sole discretion, terminate or restrict the Member's use of the Service or any part thereof at any time with or without notice. The Member acknowledges and agrees that in the event of such termination or restriction, OOO may immediately close, delete or restrict access to the Member's account and all or part of the relevant information and files in the Member's account, and cease all or part of the use of the Service. In addition, the Member agrees that OOO shall not be liable to the Member or any third party if the use of the Service is terminated or restricted.

12. Disclaimer

Please refer to the Disclaimer.

13. Governing Law and the Courts of Jurisdiction

With respect to the interpretation and application of the TOS, and any dispute or controversy related to the TOS or arising from any transaction between the Member and OOO, both parties shall act in the best of faith and negotiate a settlement based on the principles of honesty, creditworthiness, equality and mutual benefit. In the event of failure to negotiate a settlement, the matter shall be handled in accordance with the laws of the Republic of China, with the Hsinchu District Court in Taiwan as the court of first instance, provided that if there is any other mandatory provision for a court of competent jurisdiction under the law, such provision shall still be followed.

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